Home/Skin Rejuvenation Las Vegas/Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy

What Is IPL Therapy?

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a non-surgical procedure to restore a more youthful tone and texture to skin on the face, neck, hands, chest, and body. This process, also known as photorejuvenation or photofacial, applies high-intensity pulsating light energy to treat uneven skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, blotchy pigmentation, acne scars, and more. IPL therapy can also help remove acne-causing bacteria for clearer, improved skin.

The IPL-certified registered nurses at the Herte Center for Cosmetic Surgery utilize the innovative Lumenis® M22 as the preferred aesthetic solution for IPL treatments. This multi-application laser platform is designed for precise control of the pulse shape for treating more than 30 skin conditions and concerns.

What Are the Benefits of IPL Therapy?

IPL offers a customizable procedure to help improve skin and signs of aging while providing patients: 

  • Quick and minimally invasive treatment
  • Little to no downtime in most cases
  • Gentle, more comfortable technique
  • Less risk of damage to surrounding tissues
  • Visible results after one to two weeks

During an initial consultation, one of our experienced, professional team members will discuss your aesthetic concerns and goals. This will help determine if you meet the qualifications for an IPL treatment or if you would be better suited for an alternative skin-improving treatment, like, ResurFX®, microneedling or DiamondGlow® dermabrasion.

What Does the IPL Treatment Involve?

Before your procedure begins, protective eyewear will be provided. The broad spectrum pulsed light is then gently guided over the skin, safely penetrating multiple layers of skin without the need for incisions or injections, to address your specific dermal concerns.

IPL uses a range of light waves and produces more than one wavelength making it possible to effectively treat various skin conditions during the same procedure. In particular, the Lumenis M22 has the ability to adjust laser settings to precisely meet your aesthetic needs. During treatment, you may feel a mild stinging or pinching sensation as the light energy goes to work, and the feeling should subside once treatment is complete.

Once your procedure has concluded, you may experience brief side effects of mild redness or tenderness, but these should fade quickly, and you should be able to resume normal activities after little to no downtime for recovery.

What Can I Expect After IPL Therapy?

To ensure the best outcome, please follow all post-procedure instructions to nourish and care for your skin, especially proper protection with sunscreen. As the body processes the effects of IPL, the skin naturally clears any lesion debris and reveals a healthier, youthful appearance usually after about one to two weeks. Depending on the type of skin condition or concern you wish to treat, a series of three to five treatments or occasional “touch-up” sessions may be recommended to achieve optimal results.

How Much Does the IPL Treatment Cost?

IPL therapy can average around $250 per session; however, the actual cost varies for each patient. During your consultation, your treatment estimate will be determined by factoring the size of the area(s) to be treated, the complexities of your concerns or conditions, the number of sessions, and other combined treatments that may be beneficial for your cosmetic enhancement goals. Our knowledgeable staff will be happy to discuss all financing options available to assist with affordable payments for qualified candidates. 

To learn more about Lumenis® M22 IPL therapy, or to schedule a consultation at the Herte Center, please contact us today.